Wednesday 24 June 2015

People with better career progression than Colin Sylvia

Colin Sylvia has reportedly had his first possession for season 2015. But it's probably one he'll want to forget. 
Yesterday a tweet from Ricky Nixon purported that the inconsistent ex-AFL star was caught at the Blackburn Hotel with a substantial amount of drugs on him.
Now TJR understands this isn't the most trustworthy source, but if this is true, then it would be the final nail in the coffin of one of the largest falls from grace in recent history.

A once potential superstar of the AFL, Colin Sylvia played 157 games with Melbourne, before heading West to Fremantle on a reported $1 million over 3 years. 
Following his 10 years at Melbourne, Freo supporters had high hopes. But instead they got an overweight, unfit, unexciting 6 games over 2 years and an agreed early payout.

In light of this information, TJR felt it necessary to highlight a few well known names who's career progression is now likely to be better than that of Sylvia's. 

Charlie Sheen

Still considers himself to be #winning

Tiger Woods

Took his short game to new heights across various holes

Lance Armstrong

Succeeded using whatever it took

Lindsay Lohan

Bring back the good twin from Parent Trap. Please and thankyou.

Friday 19 June 2015

When a Tiger grows into a Pussy Cat

You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. 

Bruce Wayne's words resonate today as we watch the demise of the once untouchable, unstoppable, incomprehensibly talented Tiger Woods. With each new tournament, there is more grief, more sand and many more shots.

Below are Tiger's 4 worst rounds in his PGA history:

1 - 85 at Memorial Tournament (2015)
2 - 82 at Phoenix Open (2015)
3 - 81 at British Open (2002)
4 - 80 at US Open (2015)

That's three out of four this year. And the only exception was during horrendous conditions where all players struggled at the British Open in 2002.

His 80 in the first round today at the US Open was riddled with horrendous drives and countless profanities, and even a thrown club.

 To make things worse. today marks exactly 15 years since Tiger won the US Open by an amazing 15 strokes.
Now, after the first round of this years US Open, Tiger, remarkably sits 15 shots behind current leaders Henrik Stenson and Dustin Johnson.

Tiger hasn't won a major since 2008 and hasn't won a tournament since 2013. Yet we mustn't forget that Tiger's resume still reads as follows.

He has won 79 PGA tour events (3rd All-Time)
14 Majors (2nd All-Time)
PGA Player of the Year 11 times
Only player to have won all 4 Majors in succession - now known as the "Tiger Slam"
Over US $12 million dollars earned on course, and many more made in endorsements.

His current net worth is estimated at a measly $640 million. Probably not a bad nest egg to sit on. Surely knowing this, Tiger could take a few months away from tournaments to get his swing working again. It's not like he'll miss the paycheck too dearly.


Wednesday 4 March 2015

Big Baby Hird

James Hird, was once dubbed the Saviour of Essendon, yet now he resembles a spoilt child as he divides supporters while simply satisfying his own vanity.

His legal battle has all the hallmarks of child who has been refused what he wants. He's been told 'NO' time and time again yet he continues to push and pull well beyond the clubs limits. 

His first babysitter, Bomber Thompson is long gone. Fed up with his inability to grow up and accept responsibility. 

Now the club has decided he still needs looking after. So like a bad Hollywood sequel, lets welcome the return of Hird's father figure - Kevin Sheedy.

TJR says time's up for Hird. Cut your losses Essendon and send your baby off to Boarding School.