Friday 25 July 2014

English cricket team move into favouritism for Bobsleigh Gold Medal

Very few things in this world make me as happy as seeing Australia succeed on the world stage. One thing however that gives me similar feelings of joy, fulfillment and patriotism is seeing England lose.

In recent years England have revitalized their cricket team, to the point where they well and truly had the wood on the Aussies. Following victory in the 2011 Ashes series in Australia, England gained the number 1 position in world cricket. A position they would hold until late 2012. Not only did we have to hand over The Ashes, we had to put up with England big noting themselves to the entire cricketing world.
As much as they whine when the lose, they boast even more heavily when they win.
And they wonder why we resent them.

However, since 2012 the English Cricket team have fallen from grace so quickly that they have become the favourites for the Gold medal in the team Bobsleigh event at the World Cup event beginning later this year. Furthermore, plenty of their players will seek individual glory in the downhill skiing, with Bell, Prior and Cook the best chances for medals.

It is just one year ago that England beat Australia by 347 runs at Lords. Since then they have been unable to turn around a form slump so dramatic that if things fall India's way in the final two tests, England could be sitting as low as 7th in the world rankings.

How bad is it? Let see..

They haven't won a test in their last 10 tries - worst run in over 20 years.
Their senior players in Bell, Cook and Prior are all averaging under 25 runs a game over this stretch.
Cook hasn't scored a century in his last 27 innings.
Their bowlers can't put together two good performances during an entire match.
Broad now believes in ghosts, proclaiming that his room was haunted in their test against Sri Lanka.
Kevin Pietersen was sacked earlier this year for bad-mouthing their coach.
Then Andrew Strauss was in hot water for labeling Pietersen a c*** on live TV.
And up until last week India had gone 1,124 days without winning a Test outside of India.

Long live the Queen? Nah, long live the demise of the English cricket team!

Monday 21 July 2014

Fatherly Faith Pays Off

Early this morning Rory McIlroy held off the fast finishing Sergio Garcia and Rickie Fowler to win the British Open Championship by just 2 strokes.

The win not only nets him a cool £975,000 but he also joins Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus as the only golfers to have won three of the four major titles by the time they were 25.
But it is not only Rory who is profiting from this win. It turns out that Gerry McIlroy, Rory's father, also stands to walk away with a reported £100,000. 

How did he do this you ask?

 He had amazing, if not insane faith in his then 15 year old son who showed some talent with stick in hand. So certain was Gerry that this talent would eventuate into something remarkable he approached a local bookmaker and put £200 on Rory to win the British Open before he turned 26 at odds of 500/1.  He also convinced two friends to do the same who reportedly will share £80,000 worth of winnings between them. 

Until this year Rory had had very little success at the Open, finishing within the top 25 just once since 2007. But all that is history now. Surely big celebrations will be shared with his family and friends tonight and there will definitely be a few extra bottles of bubbly floating around!

The fluctuating stock price of the Kangaroos

This year the Kangaroos have been more unpredictable than stock market. More erratic than Melbourne's weather. And more random than a Miley Cyrus film clip.
One day they're up, twerking it out on the MCG, then the next they may as well have stayed in bed and slept through the entire weekend. 

As the ladder stands North Melbourne have beaten 4 of the 5 teams above them, with Geelong the only exception. They have shown that their midfield has the strength to match it with the very best, and their forward line has enough scoring power to keep up with a fast flowing Hawthorn. Yet, there have been far too many occasions where they simply have not turned up to play. 
Round 5 they went through the motions in a convincing loss to Collingwood. The same thing happened against the Gold Coast Suns in Round 7, and again in Round 13 against Adelaide.
Then, within the space of two weeks they lost to bottom dwellers Brisbane by 4 points after blowing an early 22 point lead, to then bounce back the following week and defeat last years premiers Hawthorn by 20 points. And finally they infuriated their fans once again with a loss to Carlton this weekend. 

Following their game against Carlton on Friday night coach Brad Scott took responsibility for their up and down season.

" You always look in the mirror first. Clearly there is something I'm not doing and I haven't found it yet "

But is it really his fault. Sure, he has a part to play in all of this, and maybe he could be harder on the group, or approach games differently.
But these are professional footballers. They are paid to play.
If I was as unpredictable in my job from one day to the next then surely my boss would be showing me the door pretty quickly. North's players need to take a real good look at themselves. This whole charade is all a matter of the mind. How they approach each game is up to the individual, and they certainly should not need a blasting in the media or an inspirational speech from their coach to get them psyched up before each game. 
The ability to be able to motivate yourself is one of the most important characteristics a footballer can have. It is what has made the likes of Ablett and Judd so good over their careers. Whenever their team is down, you can count on them to have a big quarter, or even just lift their team with a single act. 
At present, North Melbourne do not have that. Yes they have leaders. I've always been a fan of Petrie's work but he's not a superstar forward that can win a game off his own boot. And while Swallow is performing week in week out with high numbers this year his impact is not as damaging as other elite midfielders in the comp.
They simply have too many players that go missing during important moments in games. I'm not saying they're an entire team of down hill skiers, but they definitely have far too many front runners. 
They lack belief in their ability to turn games around, and until they can do that on a regular basis they are not going to be the Top 4 side they aspire to be.

Until then I urge all my readers to never put any money on North Melbourne.
They are a punters nightmare and surely would have ruined more multi's than any other team this year. Bet with them against a team below them and they are likely to ruin you, but bet against them when they play someone above them and you're stuffed.

They are as confusing as Inception and as disappointing as The Godfather Part 3. 
But hopefully for their supporters their season has a happy ending. 

Sunday 20 July 2014

The Real Winners of The World Cup

It's been a week since the World Cup officially finished, but the celebrations and heartache are still here.

Firstly, let me be honest with you all - I can't really stand watching soccer.
I mean I'll happily be patriotic once every four years and watch with hope that Timmy will answer a nations prayers and do us proud, but if it's not Australia on the pitch I can barely watch 10, let alone 90 minutes of the game.
I can appreciate the skills of Neymar, Messi and Schweinsteiger. I can also understand the craziness of Cahill's strike, and the exquisite goal saving dives from Tim Howard. But despite this, I'd rather watch the Red Viper's death scene from Game of Thrones on repeat, than watch sportsmen play and act for free kicks.

Despite my criticism of the game, I must say that I found myself get caught up in the enormity of the World Cup, but maybe for different reasons than most.

Lets kick it off with the main reason most guys get up at ridiculous hours to watch this - the women.
Yes, this tournament is meant to be about the players, their skill, and the goals, but most men are more interested in the wives and girlfriends that fame can get you.
The entire German team are apparently dating 10's, both Messi and Neymar are batting well above their average, and some fan even got herself a modelling contract just for being seen in the crowd!

German hero 'Super' Mario Gotze and his stunning trophy.
Being held by his even more stunning girlfriend.

Germany's Top Model winner, and girlfriend to
German player Khedira. She definitely makes
the Germans an ever greater team.

Lionel Messi is scoring goals in all the right places!

Axelle Despiegelaere stole the entire tournament with her few seconds of
fame during a German match, earning herself a modelling contract.
Well played indeed.

It wasn't only the women in the crowd that impressed us.
Every country has their loyal fans. Some get painted in their team colours, others dress up in some weird and whacky outfits that make you question almost everything you've ever known. This year there was one Colombian fan who outdid anyone else.

Let me introduce you to the Colombian Nazi Weed Pope.

Where on earth did this man get this idea. Swastika, cannabis and the Pope. Instantly I'm imagining an alternate reality where Jesus and Hitler are sharing a bong. It's possibly the strangest thing I've ever seen. And let's not forget his less courageous friend. These two are my favourite thing to come out of this World Cup! 

But the crowd's weren't the only reason to watch, there was of course waiting for someone to have a momentous stuff-up that would cost their team everything. This year though it was an entire team that broke the hearts of the host nation. As the Brazilian team and supporters tried to come to grips with their 7-1 defeat the internet and twitter highlighted some amazing reactions.

Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue looked a little different following the loss.

The new Brazilian flag was also unveiled on twitter...

Finally, one of the main reasons I dislike soccer is the acting. So many players would look more comfortable on the 3metre spring board at the upcoming Commonwealth Games than on the field at the World Cup.
There were plenty of nominees for the best dive of the tournament, but the award had to go Arjen Robben this year. His amazing display caught the eye of the referee, and scored a 9.4 from all judges, with top marks given for difficulty and technique. He also almost broke the long jump world record with this effort.

Luis Suarez was a very close second, with his argument that Italian defender Chiellini 'shouldered his teeth' following his well publicised 'three-thirty-itis' hunger issues.

Well done to all the real winners of the World Cup, I'll look forward to the camera-men finding the best looking women in the crowd again in four years time. Until then I guess the French countryside will have to do as we turn our late night and early morning attention to watching Le Tour! 

Monday 14 July 2014

Thorpe Making Waves

Ian Thorpe is arguably the greatest athlete Australia has produced in recent times, at least that's the way I view him. A world champion by the time he was 15, and by 17 he had 'accomplished his (my) dreams'. Between 1999 to 2004 he was never beaten at any major swimming event over the 400m freestyle. He was anchor in every notable Australian relay team, and held an amazing 13 individual World Records over his illustrious career. 

However, through all of his success one question came up more than most - is he gay?

The answer to this was revealed by Thorpe in a tell-all interview with Michael Parkinson on Channel 10. The reaction to Thorpe 'coming out' has been hugely positive, with twitter exploding with the hashtag '#onyathorpie'. But among the many well-wishers there has been one phrase that has really taken over. Many media personalities have said it, and most of you probably thought it when you first heard this story generating media attention.
It is the phrase; who cares?

I understand what people are trying to voice by saying this, but in reality, we should care. Not because it's a good news story, and not because Thorpe's sexuality is any of our business, but we should care because his decision to come out may help many more young children do the same.
In the interview Thorpe states that he was first publicly asked about his sexuality at the age of 16.
16 !!
By 16 I was still an innocent young boy, who had only just got his head around the birds and the bees. To say that this was a ridiculous thing to ask anyone, let alone a 16 year old boy doesn't even begin to do it justice. This would be a difficult question for any 16 year old to answer in the privacy of their own mind, let alone to broadcast to the entire world's media.

The vulnerability of teenagers is highlighted in the studies done by the San Francisco State University in 2012 show that self harm rates for gay and lesbian teenagers is 8 times higher than that of straight teenagers. The anxiety and depression that affected Thorpe ever since he was 19 definitely had something to do with his inability to express his sexuality. Currently, there would be many teenagers feeling the same way that Thorpe did. It is depressing that this is a completely normal way for teenagers to feel. But the fact is, while predispositions are currently changing for the better, we still live in a country that doesn't recognise gay marriage legally, and the term 'gay' is still used in school yards to denote a negative situation or experience. Yet despite this, people still asked 'Why didn't he tell us ages ago' in reference to Thorpe's decision to come out.
It's simple, its not that easy. You would be idiotic to believe that any gay or lesbian person has never once tried to deny that they were gay at some time in their life. Even if they have 'come out of the closet' since then, there would have been a time when they denied it or kept it hidden. Like others before him, Thorpe had his reasons. He was worried about how his friends would see him. He was worried about how his family would take the news. And he was especially fearful that the Australian public he worked so hard to please would reject him if they knew he was gay. This is not how anyone should have to feel.

I wish we were at a stage where the sexuality of a person within the media was not speculated about, but even though we are moving in the right direction we are not there yet. The same day that the news about Thorpe broke, AFL commentator Brian Taylor was in hot water for calling Harry Taylor a 'big poofta', perfectly highlighting that there is still so much we have to learn. And so, with each new media personality that announces themselves as gay, we must congratulate them and highlight that it is perfectly fine to be gay, and to be proud of it. We shouldn't say 'who cares', because there are many 16 year olds out there that would have cared as they could have been going through similar things as Thorpe at that same time, and there will be many more who will deal with those circumstances in the future. They may not be in the media spotlight like Thorpe was, but they may be part of sporting teams, or simply struggling to deal with it themselves. Thorpe had to hide his true self for so long, but hopefully his decision to reveal that he is gay will help many others, particularly young Australians to do the same. 

As for Thorpie, at TJR we hope that being comfortable and proud of being gay is a huge step in the right direction for him, and the end of any mental demons he has had to overcome recently.


Monday 7 July 2014

Mullet Monday

No one enjoys Mondays. It's an indisputable fact. But never fear, at TJR we're here to make your Mondays a little more enjoyable. And what pleases people more than a good old fashioned mullet ?
Business at the front, party at the back - the ULTIMATE hairdo.

It has long been a revered hairstyle among all men (and some women). The mullet is arguably respected more for the balls it takes to pull off the hairdo rather than for the style itself. But nevertheless it is undeniably the quintessential hairdo of sporting icons.
This Mullet Monday we have honoured 10 of the best mullets in the history of sport.

Taylor Walker

His modern day mullet has made him the pride of South Australia, which is arguably the home of the mullet in Australia.

Randy Johnson

This man mountain could send down some serious heat with his big left arm. If the batters were lucky enough to see the ball, they usually still missed it as they were gazing upon the delicious mullet in front of them.

Fraser Gehrig

The G-Train had to be on this list based purely on the intimidation factor that the mullet added to an already frightening human. Defender after defender were led to the ball countless times as a result of getting caught watching the mullet flap in the wind.

Martina Navratilova

As the only woman to make the list Navratilova should feel more honoured than most. Unquestionably one of the best mullets in sport, and possibly an inspiration for our next nominee.

Andre Agassi

Impossible to go past the one-time bad-boy of tennis. Sporting a mullet with jean shorts and a fiery temper, Agassi exemplified everything that is great about a mulleted man.

Wayne Gretzky

ESPN named him 'the greatest NHL player of all time'. But word on the street is that he is more honoured to be a valued member of our marvelous mullets list. Those lovely locks should never have been hidden under a helmet.

Jared Allen

If you've never heard of Jared Allen, then this one minute video is all you will ever need to understand this remarkable human.
Jared Allen talks about his mullet

Larry Bird

With the mo' to match the mullet, Larry Bird will always be one of the very best mullets the NBA has ever seen. There was barely a better sight than witnessing Bird's mullet flap its wings as he drained each of his unguardable fade-aways.

John Daly

Possibly one of the greatest single images of a mulleted man in action. Cigarette in the mouth, mullet hanging over the back of the collar, and club in full swing. It is poetry in motion.

Stuart Johns

I rarely use this medium to promote or plug a friend, but today I must make an exception.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing this mullet running around Morton Park for the Blackburn Football Club each Saturday. However, his addition to this list has more to do with what will happen this weekend rather than his lovely locks. As amazing as his mullet is, Stu has decided to shave it off in order to raise money for The Brain Foundation. This is a cause very close to Stu's heart and one that deserves support.
Follow this link to find out more about this great event -

TJR appreciates the guts it takes to sacrifice a mullet two years in the making, and we urge all our readers not to 'mullet over', and instead donate to this worthy cause.

May the mullet live long and flourish.